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Author: admin

Face masks: what the data say

Face masks: what the data say

The science supports that face coverings are saving lives during the coronavirus pandemic, and yet the debate trundles on. How much evidence is enough? READ MORE>
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How to support your immune system

How to support your immune system

You may have heard about ways to support your immune system. Perhaps you’ve heard that eating this or using that will magically prevent you from catching COVID-19. READ FULL ARTICLE...
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Industrial Nanofiber Production

Industrial Nanofiber Production

Inovenso's Pilot Electrospinning System applicable for developing commercial Nanofiber products such as face masks, battery separators, air and liquid filters, wound dressing materials.
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Poisonous sea of PPE on beaches

Poisonous sea of PPE on beaches

With miles of sandy beaches battered by Atlantic breakers, the rugged coastline of North Cornwall is a jewel in the crown of the British seaside. But locals and tourists alike have...
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